Commissioners Message: Return to Lacrosse

To all players in the PNWJLL:

Thank you for your patience over the last 15 months as we have all dealt with the Covid-19 pandemic.

We are slowly resuming lacrosse activities under the direction of Via Sport and the Provincial Health Officer’s orders. The current health order has outdoor lacrosse commencing June 15, 2021 and if all goes well indoor lacrosse will start on July 1, 2021 with no spectators.

Our league scheduler is currently working to put together a draft schedule to maximize the number of games each team could play with our allotted arena time. The schedule will be ready June 15, 2021, at which time team management will present it to each of you. The hope is that all teams will have enough players and that we will be able to commence with that schedule. While a 10 game schedule would be preferable, realistically we are probably looking at a minimum of six games per team.

Due to extremely limited arena availability, some teams may be scheduled for a home game at a neutral site. We are trying to utilize all island arena availability and schedule as many games as possible. Ideally the schedule would have an even number of home games for each team but realistically, this may not be achievable. Our goal is to get you all back on the floor and play as much lacrosse as possible.

Once again, thank you very much for your patience. We are getting much closer to what normal “should” be - with lacrosse back in our lives.

Rob Cook